We Believe You

Ramesh Kumar



The ground where you are staying. It is our belief that the ground is the temple of education. Nowadays, society is in the process of reforming itself. In every world, inequality has a greater impact than equality. We function through a structure designed by society.

Do you know? Students who learn at where you stay belong to different races, classes and societies. But they are equal because they are tied together by the structured name of the student. They all have the right to be treated equally. The Child Right Convention (CRC) Article 2 ensures the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.

In addition, they don't shout about their rights because they aren't adults. So, when you make any changes to the school's environment, make sure that it is child-friendly. Because they are children and they deserve the right to be treated equally by you.

The fact that all children are children makes them equal. But they all have their own capabilities and familiar environment.

You know how capable they are and how weak they are. You should not compare them to each other, but rather compare their before and after changes with what you have taught them.

Do not compare them with the exam scores but compare the individual score changes. Because some children's parents cannot provide an educational environment. Therefore, we believe that your environment will be tailored to CRC Article-2.


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